Where? What? Where?
Date: December 2024
Course: Word & Image II
Overseen by Aggie Toppins

Scope: Motion Graphics, Typography

Programs Used: Adobe After Effects, Photoshop
  Geoff Dyer’s “Where? What? Where?” criticizes the well-known artist Paul Gauguin and comments on reality, what it means to live, disappointment and more. This motion piece takes quotes from the essay to create a short preview of Dyer’s story.

With a focus on disappointment and how it is described in the essay, I created visual to depict longing and wanting. I incorporated Gauguin’s paintings, as a subtle nod to the artist and the setting of the essay. The video plays with scale shifts and changing what you can see and not see to display the theme

Contact Me!

About the ArtistEmail: sophieleong0107@gmail.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/sophie-yuen-yin-leong-5f2t6s